Purpose of Rotary's Big Space Cancer Appeal? To Raise funds that can be used to transform the facilities of our region's oncology centre leading to improved cancer care.
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This Project is led by The Rotary Club of Cotswold Tyndale of District 1100

Who meets most Mondays @ Dursley Rugby Club, Hounds Green, Stinchcombe, Dursley
Working Hours : Sun-monday, 09am-5pm
Copyright © Rotary Club District 1100. All Rights Reserved.

Rotary Club of Cotswold Tyndale is leading a District 1100 wide Club collaboration to raise money in support of our region’s Oncology Centre.

This is in partnership with the local NHS Charity, which has its’ own Big Space Cancer Appeal for the refurbishment of the existing centre, required to cope with the annual 8% increase in patient throughput (which currently stands at 5000 new patients per year).

Rotary funds will be specifically targeted at the Centre’s ‘Focus Centre‘ which improves the welfare and mental health of patients and their families through provision of holistic services and by signposting to other supporting agencies and charities.

The project purpose is to improve the capacity of the Focus Centre through refurbishment and to improve its effectiveness through additional resources and training. The beneficiaries will be the thousands of patients that live across the region, with an aspiration to develop best practice that can be used in other Oncology Centres.

You can read more about the entire £17.3 million project here, but remember WE area focused on the ‘Focus Centre’ (if you’ll forgive the pun) and that’s why we have a clearly defined target of circa £300,000 specifically as a target. So, that the Rotary Clubs of District 1100, when working together in partnership with other companies, individuals and community organisations can truly make a difference for the people across our region.

Why donate via Rotary’s Big Space Cancer Appeal rather than directly?

Remember, Cancer touches us all, with a predicted 40%increase in the UK by 2035. Already, 100 new patients/week from across our District are diagnosed through the Regional Centre in Cheltenham. Let’s help to make this an easier experience by ensuring great holistic support and better mental health for patients and their families Our collective goal is to raise just over £100k over the next 2 years, potentially swelling to £300k through District & Global Grants if we get this right.


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